A Message from Rev. Richard D. Gould
Welcome to worship at Ranchos Presbyterian Church - We will follow the latest public health order. Passing the Peace, Collection of the Offering and other activities will be modified.
With Love,
Rev. Richard D. Gould , Pastor
News from Ranchos Session
The Annual Congregational Meeting was held on Sunday, January 26th following our worship service and opened with prayer. Rev. Gould recognized the Elders from the Class of 2019, Michael Gomez, Denise Ortega and Edwardo Martinez and thanked them for their dedication and service. Rev. Gould also thanked all committee chairpersons and members for their leadership and assistance in the ministry of the church. A list of the committees and their members is in the church directory. Annual reports were presented, and members were invited to ask questions or make comments and recommendations. The reports included:
Renovation Update
The following renovations have been completed:
Future Improvements include:
Thanks for your support, patience, prayers and understanding during this entire process.
Welcoming New Members
New Members in 2017: Mikayla Gonzales, Andres Vigil, Jackie Tamás, Josephine Martinez, Sarah Randall, Valerie Pacheco.
New Members in 2018: Steve Tapia, Mark Romero, Marie Romero
New Members in 2019: Charles and Anita Young
On August 13, 2017 we celebrated 125 years of God’s faithfulness. We have been so blessed! We welcomed all members, friends and guests as we came together to give thanks for our Ranchos Presbyterian Church. Among the many were Stephen Rhoades, Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of Santa Fe and Sharon Yates, Santa Fe Presbytery Administrator. Following our Anniversary worship service we enjoyed a catered meal provided by Ricky’s Restaurant and special music provided by Audrey Davis, and Billy & Johnny Archuleta.
Thanks To all who helped make this 125th Anniversary a time of celebration and thanksgiving. It was an opportunity to renew the spirit that has been passed down to us for decades. May we continue to serve the Lord by His grace and for His glory!
Floral Arrangement - The floral arrangement was a gift from the Romero Family in memory of Leonardo “Lalo” Romero. Thanks for the beautiful gift.
Welcome to worship at Ranchos Presbyterian Church - We will follow the latest public health order. Passing the Peace, Collection of the Offering and other activities will be modified.
With Love,
Rev. Richard D. Gould , Pastor
News from Ranchos Session
The Annual Congregational Meeting was held on Sunday, January 26th following our worship service and opened with prayer. Rev. Gould recognized the Elders from the Class of 2019, Michael Gomez, Denise Ortega and Edwardo Martinez and thanked them for their dedication and service. Rev. Gould also thanked all committee chairpersons and members for their leadership and assistance in the ministry of the church. A list of the committees and their members is in the church directory. Annual reports were presented, and members were invited to ask questions or make comments and recommendations. The reports included:
- Pastor’s Letter;
- Worship;
- Christian Education;
- Mission;
- Fellowship & Member Care;
- Buildings & Grounds;
- El Descanso Cemetery;
- Stewardship
- Women’s Missionary Society;
- Women’s Missionary Society Financial;
- Budget & Finance;
- Treasurer’s Financials;
- 2020 Annual Budget
- Rev. Gould’s Contract and
- Rev. Gould reported on the Triennial COM visit.
Renovation Update
The following renovations have been completed:
- New handicap accessible bathrooms have been added;
- a new storage room has been added;
- a handicap accessible walkway and portal have been added;
- we have upgraded the ceiling of the east portal along the fellowship hall and office;
- the sanctuary and fellowship hall roofs have been repaired and a new maintenance product has been applied;
- we have repaired updated the bell tower.
- we have replaced the windows in the sanctuary on the west wall;
- re-stuccoing the church building;
- installing a security fence and gate.
- Parking lot Drainage improvements including handicap parking spaces will be completed in the spring of 2019;
Future Improvements include:
- adding a new sign; and
- landscaping
Thanks for your support, patience, prayers and understanding during this entire process.
Welcoming New Members
New Members in 2017: Mikayla Gonzales, Andres Vigil, Jackie Tamás, Josephine Martinez, Sarah Randall, Valerie Pacheco.
New Members in 2018: Steve Tapia, Mark Romero, Marie Romero
New Members in 2019: Charles and Anita Young
On August 13, 2017 we celebrated 125 years of God’s faithfulness. We have been so blessed! We welcomed all members, friends and guests as we came together to give thanks for our Ranchos Presbyterian Church. Among the many were Stephen Rhoades, Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of Santa Fe and Sharon Yates, Santa Fe Presbytery Administrator. Following our Anniversary worship service we enjoyed a catered meal provided by Ricky’s Restaurant and special music provided by Audrey Davis, and Billy & Johnny Archuleta.
Thanks To all who helped make this 125th Anniversary a time of celebration and thanksgiving. It was an opportunity to renew the spirit that has been passed down to us for decades. May we continue to serve the Lord by His grace and for His glory!
Floral Arrangement - The floral arrangement was a gift from the Romero Family in memory of Leonardo “Lalo” Romero. Thanks for the beautiful gift.